Key Sessions Blog
The purpose of this blog is to help demonstrate the training sessions and reasoning behind the 3 key sessions each week as i try and qualify for the IRONMAN World Champs at IRONMAN Chattanooga in September.
Period of the training:
Base Phase
Closest Race
The Bear 100
Swim Key Session
The main set was 7 rounds of 3x100 (Easy, Threshold, Sprint)
This session felt good. My swim form is coming back nicely!
The goal of this session was to change speeds from Easy to threshold to harder than threshold! Knowing how to change speeds is key for getting faster. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!
Bike Key Session
After last weeks BIG 4 day block of riding, and some good recovery my legs felt very strong. There was some adaptations that took place from the overload and I did two sessions last week, 1 session was intervals at 100-105% and the heart rate was low and power was HIGH! Then second session was 4x4min at Vo2 max at a higher cadence, around 105 for me. These are very hard but my heart gets very high. I was pushing 110% of FTP for these and felt strong! They were brutal but very strong!
Run Key Session
Hills and Threshold!
The team did 4x1min up hill at 3k effort (FAST) into 6min at Threshold (6:30-40 pace for me) into 4x30 seconds at MILE Pace (FASTER) into 6min threshold (6:30-40 pace again)
I love combination of speed and threshold. While the speed hurts, it makes the threshold work feel strong. This was a very good session!
This month of March ive made it a goal to run every day. I need to run 3:15 or faster at Chatty to qualify so I wanted to lay a good base of running!
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