Key Training Sessions- Double Bike Day

The purpose of this blog is to help demonstrate the training sessions and reasoning behind the 3 key sessions each week as i try and qualify for the IRONMAN World Champs at IRONMAN Chattanooga in September. 

Period of the training:

Base Phase

Closest Race

Unbound 200 mile Gravel Race

Swim Key Session

1st week it’s felt “back” for me. Nicole and I crushed out a vo2 max swim set Wednesday where we went 10x100 Max on 2:00 interval. Lots of rest! Paces were all in the 1:15, interval normal shape these would be 1:10-1:11 for me. I’m not discouraged at all, just happy it’s coming back!

Bike Key Session

Thursday Double Bike Day

AM: 1 hour easy zone 1 at 50% FTP

PM: 3x15minutes at 90-93% FTP Rest 5 minutes between each. The 15mim efforts were all done at 70-75rpms to work on the strength aspect i feel I’m lacking 

This was a hard session but with my athletes I’ve found great success with double bike days

8 hours total biking this week! 

Run Key Session 

Sunday Long Run (steady)

Lake Loop around Lake Monona 12 miles.

I’m working on getting my mileage back up since the stress fracture and this was the best, pain free long run in 5 months. First run I’ve felt the “I’m back” feeling.

I’ve been working on strength, plyos, and form drills and my stride is really coming back and feeling snappy. 

4 runs this week, 23.2 miles total.

Hoping to be back to 30mpw soon.