Photo from a race in Seattle
It’s a pattern…
It’s happened before…
It’s a pattern…
It’s happened before…
Its a…. You get it. I’ll stop!
What is the trigger for anxiety in your life? Whats the trigger for questioning triathlon training? Everyone has different triggers and thankfully I’ve recognized mine.
When training is successful is when I question myself the most. How does that make any sense? You would think its the other way around.
Injured, hurt, burned out… OK time to change. However that’s not how I think. For me, the greatest the risk the greater the concern. Run fitness is good, cycling FTP is increasing, swim fitness is solid and swimming great paces… stop second guessing!
I’m currently reading a book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that pointed this out to me. It helps me look at not thinking off of emotion and using more logic. Calm down. Chill out. Put your phone down. Don’t do anything stupid. I’ve struggled with this in the past but I am getting better at recognizing it.
I’ve got big goals this year and at times I lose sight of the path that will take me there. When I lose sight of this is when I start to freak out. I get emotional. I make poor choices. I do a form of self sabotage. I become a wreck! (kidding)
It’s all positive though. Everything is good. Everything is great! I’m seeing improvement in all 3 sports. I have good life balance. I’m on track to accomplish my Ironman Wisconsin goals. I believe what I’m lacking is the long term reassurance.
More than anything this post is me speaking out-loud.
Happy January!