Private Group Rides on Zwift

weekly Ride Times

Wednesday 5:00pm Central Time

Saturday 6:30am Central Time

Workout or Endurance Ride

*You get to decide if you want to do a structured workout or an endurance ride

*Every ride is set to “Everyone Sticks Together” so no one is dropped, regardless of the ability level

*Communication during ride. There is an on-screen group message box so you can communicate during the ride

How to get started

1) Friend “Madison Multisport” on Zwift through your companion app

2) Sign up below to be notified, so we can add you to each ride. Under Zwift policy, the group leader has to invite riders. Riders cannot invite themself.

3) Be ready to join the ride two minutes before the schedule ride time. YOU CANNOT JOIN LATE, Zwift policy.

Need ADDITIONAL help joining our rides?